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Green Race swim

Delete this post Submitted by Bobby on 08/Nov/2015


I figured since I usually share my accomplishments on this site that it is only fair to share a day that was less than successful too. After months of intense training, the Green Race finally was here. I was in very good shape and was prepared for a fast time. My goal was sub 4:45 but I would have been happy with a time under 5. I was on pace to beat my goal and then everything fell apart and I swam at Go Left. It took a lot of soul searching to muster the courage to run Gorilla after that blow to my confidence but I was took solace in the support from the large crowd cheering the racers on. It was a real confidence boost to hear my friends shouting my name as I had one of my best runs ever through that rapid. I realized at that moment that there is something special about being in this race. I may not have had the day that I wanted but I spent a day challenging myself on difficult whitewater surrounded by the support of my loving wife Melissa, my friends, and countless other people who came out to see this spectacular event. So, despite my disappointment, there is always another boof waiting for me downstream and another Green Race next year.

Full Race Run

Swim Only

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