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Hiking trails around the Lower Yough

Delete this post Submitted by Tony Allred on 22/Sep/2015 in reply to portages for pick and choose rapids on lower Yough posted by Aaron O on 21/Sep/2015



There are spotty trails on both sides of the river along "Entrance", but there is not a consistent trail that continuously runs along river right on the Lower Yough Loop (though there are Ferncliff trails further up. There is a trail to the rocks on river left at the top of Entrance that starts at the Photograph place. There is a trail to the river left side of "Cucumber" rapid that starts at the "Cucumber Falls" trail. As I mentioned before, there is a trail system on the Ferncliff Peninsula with side trails down to the river to some of the rapids (I've been down to "Cucumber" on the river right side from Ferncliff). Finally, there is the loop take-out at the bottom of railroad if your having a bad day on the loop (although it would be nasty carrying a canoe out of the gorge from there, but it's been done).

Below "Railroad" there is the bike path on river left that goes all the way to "Bruner's Run"with a side trail down to "Swimmers" that I've walked down and, of course, you can walk up to "Dimple" from swimmers on the river left side. I also know of a trail from the Shuttle road down "Jonathan's Run" that comes in below "Bottle of Wine" and "Double Hydraulic". There may be other side trails from the river left Bike Trail to rapids further down.

Most of the Lower Yough rapids are "read and run" just because of the time involved in land scouting them and because they are roughly similar in difficulty. But "Dimple" is easily land scouted, portaged or snuck. Hope this helps

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