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Yes. The warning lights are localized

Delete this post Submitted by DavidA on 22/Jul/2015 in reply to No they aren't. posted by Mitch on 21/Jul/2015


to the area where the CSO occurs (Rock Creek and Anacostia). Yes, OTHER systems have overflows to OTHER rivers. The discharge points are on a map (a terrible map I would add, but a map none-the-less) so you can see impacted areas from a spill.

The lights are an indication to not play in the water when s*** is literally pumping into THAT creek near THAT location. So, they are pretty useful if you are in the area of the pollution.

If you want data try google. Search terms would be the name of the watershed or water body and the words "water quality assessment". You'll have to learn some biological and physical chemistry to understand what the numbers mean, but really all kayakers just need to stay away from is poo which is everywhere so we don't worry about it. Also, for us generally speaking dilution IS the solution to pollution. Particularly on the Potomac since it is such a large volume river.

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