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Ed, I may be up yonder with some SC boaters next month; wonder about Cheat levels

Delete this post Submitted by Oci-One Kanubi on 26/May/2015 in reply to Re: death OF the cheat, NOT on the cheat posted by edevangelidi on 25/May/2015


I don't recall that there was a USGS Albright gauge when I was running the Cheat a lot during the '90s, but on the painted gauge on the bridge I have run the Canyon from 7 inches up to 5 feet.

I understand that subtracting 10 feet from the USGS Albright gauge gives a pretty close approximation of the painted bridge gauge.

Today's reading is 10.57', or 439 CFS. By the (Albright - 10') function, that comes to 0.57', or almost exactly 7", and the Canyon is so channelized that 440 CFS seems completely boatable to me.

But since I am not nearly such a strong boater as I used to be, and I will be with a dozen Cheat first-timers, I'd kinda like to update my antiquated ideas about Cheat levels.

Is that function, Albright - 10', valid? And, if so, do difficulties still equate to 1990s difficulty, level for level (e.g., 11' on the USGS gauge is about the same difficulty as 1' on the painted gauge was back in the '90s)? At my current skill and strength, guiding newbies, I would want to keep it under oldschool 2', but above boating zero, which, if the conversion is correct and difficulty unchanged, would be from 10.5' to 12' on the USGS gauge.

Advice? Confirmation? Contradiction?

Richard, His Kanubic Travesty
Nothing really matters except boats, s*x, and rock'n'roll

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