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CSX Crossing

Delete this post Submitted by Anne O'Neill on 13/May/2015


Good morning,

In my RTCA role of bringing together stakeholders around scoping whitewater access north and south of Harpers Ferry, it has been brought to my attention that you may not have attended an August 2013 Community meeting that was organized with CSX. The purpose of this meeting was to discuss the illegal crossing of railroad property at Sandy Hook.

In my communication with CSX, they have had deaths at the Sandy Hook tracks and many near misses. Safety is a top priority, and CSX notes that the only safe and legal place to cross railroad property is at a legitimate railroad crossing. Sandy Hook has never been a legitimate or legal crossing. As a result, people have been crossing railroad property at this location illegally.

Recently, CSX has installed jersey barriers at Sandy Hook and continues to police that area in an effort to change the culture and educate people. CSX has utilized no trespassing signs and no trespassing stencils to clearly post the area against pedestrian activity.

Please come to our June 10th Community Meeting to learn more about the draft River Access Plan for the area and to submit other comments. We will also be forming working groups to focus on plausible solutions recommended in the plan for future put-in and take-out areas.

Thank you for your assistance in educating the greater community about the safety concerns at Sandy Hook. Feel free to contact me with further questions and concerns.

Anne O'Neill | National Park Service

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