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Rt. 628 Put-In

Delete this post Submitted by Bob Whiting on 24/Apr/2015 in reply to Thanks Bob! Can you give beta on putins for Cedar? posted by Horace on 24/Apr/2015


Its 10.5 miles from Rt. 628 to Rt. 11. There is access at Rt. 622, about the halfway point; however, I have not used it, so I can't help much. I would recommend paddling Rt. 628 to Rt. 11, but if you must shorten the trip, the top half is preferable because it is more remote. To get to Rt. 628 put-in, take I-81 south to the next exit below Rt. 11, exit onto Rt. 55 west, go 4-5 miles to Lebanon Church, turn right onto Rt. 628, cross Cedar Creek and turn left into driveway. There is parking for 2-3 vehicles between hedge and road, but do not block the drive. I make it a practice to go to the house and ask permission.

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