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Never paddled one, would love to though... (some thoughts)

Delete this post Submitted by Dave Ritchie on 19/Apr/2015 in reply to That new LL Braaap posted by Interested consumer on 19/Apr/2015


I've been watching then too and excited to try one in the future (the Axiom is my current love affair). From what I have seen, there is far more volume back there than you expect. I've only seen one of the earlier prototypes, but it was far closer to a Fun Runner than an Axiom in terms of volume distribution. Enders didn't seem of a particular concern.

It did strike me as a "drivers boat" though and that's what is so exciting about it. That also takes away a great deal from it's "intermediate" attraction. The length and profile appears to beg momentum and transitions, so it likely isn't the best 'chill runner' around. It strikes me as an awesome 3rd boat moreso than a sporty first. It was definitely purpose built, and looks fast.

That said, I've never paddled it. So the above is all guesses and I'm very likely wrong. If love to hear from someone with first hand knowledge.

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