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Happy Spring Break Weekend from CSX!

Delete this post Submitted by SteveL on 04/Apr/2015 in reply to Sandy Hook Takeout posted by rick teg on 02/Apr/2015


Thanks very much for posting this on MCC.

What a messed up situation, sorry to hear of the trouble with CSX. They have been escalating this for a while and its no surprise to me they decided to pick the extended Easter weekend period with some nice weather to break bad.

I have trespassed there along with many other paddlers, but I don't want to be hassled and for me it ruins the day of paddling worrying about what we will encounter at the takeout when parked at SH.

As paddlers we need to recognize that we are not the only people that access the river there, and that is a very dangerous spot to cross because it is at a bend that limits visibility. Amtrack trains move at 60+ mph and they blow through there.

In January I was riding on a MARC train that hit and killed a pedestrian in Gaithersburg and it really ruins everyone's day--it is a very sad and disruptive event. Among other things it stops all train traffic in both directions for 3-4 hours for the investigation.

Given the alcohol use by many fair weather river users (not whitewater paddlers of course), corporate CSX management probably made a decision that allowing continued public access at the illegal crossing at Sandy Hook is too much of a liability.

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