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Low-head Brookmont Dam vs historic rubble dam

Delete this post Submitted by SteveL on 26/Mar/2015 in reply to Brookmont Dam posted by River Tripper on 24/Mar/2015


The low-head Brookmont Dam is just upstream of an older rubble dam--in the chain below Charlie mentions exiting the upstream end of the feeder canal and running the rubble dam. I think the original post was about running the low-head Brookmont dam not running the rubble dam.

The actual Brookmont dam had a very deadly low-head hydro that killed many boaters over the years, and around 1990 or so it was modified by adding grout (cement) bags to the base of the dam to change the hydrology and make it less dangerous.

In the mid 90s Brookmont dam was modified by construction of a "fishladder" notch and underwater steps to allow fish passage near the VA shore. That cut is clearly visible after running the rubble dam or the Z channel after you move over toward the VA shore during lower water little falls runs.

Be safe and use care when running Brookmont, in the old days some folks ran near "snake island" and the fishladder channel should be relatively safe compared to the rest of the dam because the uniform hydro is interrupted at that point.

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