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Upper Savage is was ice free last weekend

Delete this post Submitted by Mike Martin <> on 11/Mar/2015 in reply to Ice in Sideling Hill Creek - Sunday Trip Cancelled posted by Bob Whiting on 11/Mar/2015


I was in the area and road-scouted the upper sections as well as the lower. The entire drainage was runnable {dam was releasing 500 to the lower}, perhaps because there was apparently a high water event last week that laid large slabs over the low-lying Savage River Rd that runs along the class 2 section just above the lake.... I wish I'd had a boat and gear with me!

That said, be careful out there this weekend in case there are still problems in creeks that haven't broken. I've heard lore about the epic walk-out that happened on Sideling Hill a few years back when the access points and roadside views all showed running water from bank to bank. Perhaps Yukon John could add some confirming details to this tail.
By the way, the upper Savage is a sweet creek - See Ed Gertler's guidebook for a descriptions, and catch it if you can. Also, check out the Savage River Lodge for eats, drinks, accomodations and maybe a shuttle - the co-owner, Mike, is a boater and long time Mason-Dixon Canoe Club member.

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