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...and must make many unpalatable choices in order to get a budget through the current Congress.

Delete this post Submitted by Oci-One Kanubi on 08/Jan/2015 in reply to Democrats, Not Republicans Control The Administration (N/T) posted by Observer on 07/Jan/2015


Seriously? You think this is consistent with Administration and/or Democratic Party philosophy?

You actually think this is not a consequence of Republican tax- and budget-cutting obsession?

The Administration has to make many difficult choices in order to find money to pay for things the Republican Congress won't fund.

If Congress won't fund management and maintenance of the National Parks, the Administration must find a way to fund them, or close them.

I am not a registered Democrat, but I AM able to see the philosophical differences between the two parties, and the practical consequences of those differences!

If you're going to vote Republican, fine; excellent. We need a range of viewpoints to come to a consensus on how to run our country and limit the excesses of either wing. 'Course, we need the wingnuts, too, because the two extremes define the center.

But if you vote without understanding the philosophies and policies of your party, you are failing in your civic duty.

And if you blame one party for the consequences of the other party's policies, you are REALLY failing.


-Richard, His Kanubic Travesty
Nothing really matters except boats, s@x, and rock'n'roll.

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